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Saturday... my favorite day

This year I am turning 40. It will be a great year for me. As I sip on my coffee, narrowing my focus, I realize that in 2020 I published my first book "A Poetess' First Flight," I began and completed my 2nd book which I both wrote and illustrated (currently pending publication), and started my 3rd book. I have so much to accomplish this year and I realize, as I sit here, that the biggest aid in my process it is narrowing my focus. I will be talking about this in my coming book. Today, is a new day. It is Saturday and I love Saturdays. I know I can work day to night and stay as late as possible working on what I love. It is my favorite day of the year. Saturday. I can wake up whenever I want on Sunday and I know I can work all day Saturday. That means, I can stay up writing until 4 a.m. the next morning and that is a fine working day for me because I am working on what I love.

With love,

Carmen A. C.


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