i create so you
may feel revival
Carmen A. Cisnadean
Welcome To My Art Gallery
This page is under construction. In the meantime, you can browse a few samples of my paintings, fashion design, and graphic art. My work is inspired by the life events of my life and by phenomena of life I value. My core belief is that art can change human life experience and provide a path to healing. Whether one seeks mental, emotional, or spiritual healing, I strongly believe that art can be extremely influential in attaining either one of those goals.

Carmen A. Cisnadean
For any inquiries, please contact the artist directly. For the artist's contact information please click on the girl-with-tigress icon below or visit the "About The Artist" page. The artist resides in the IL area currently. In case you are interested in purchasing any of the original paintings, please send an email to her with your name, contact, and a potential offer you would like to make. The artist will contact you personally. Thank you very much, in advance, for your interest.
Fine Art
Graphic Art