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    Carmen's Letter To Santa

    Dear Santa, this Christmas 2021,

    more than ever, I believe children around the world need a really great story that will shape their values and virtues. I believe these two will prepare them far better for the future to come than the cookies, though cookies are nice too. I know things are super nice at the North Pole, but down here, things have been frightening and unstable. And though we all need hope, children deserve hope. So, I decided to write a children's book unlike no other.

    It is a Christmas story indeed, one which touches on invaluable topics, such as: kindness, justice, social awareness, bravery, the gift of adoption and the power of love, to name a few things. As we navigate through a series of challenges in the world we must ensure children's innocence and laughter are preserved. I know you expect my wish list, but this Christmas I don't want a material gift. You know, the gift of life itself is enough for me. My greatest desire, however, is that children of the world will someday read my book and that my book will leave a footprint on their hearts forever. I want them to know that doing the right thing isn't always easy but that it leads to a noble way of life, that the good in this world is worth holding onto, that respect and care are vital and that love can win in the end.

    P.S. - My awesome publisher is working hard, aiming to get the book out just in time. Fingers crossed! Oh, and don't tell Cupid I sent you this. He gets so jealous of you, only he never wants to admit it. I swear that guy lives in denial! More news to come soon! Jusqu'à bientôt! увидимся! A Presto! Bis Bald! Hasta Pronto! Pe curand!

    Carmen A. Cisnadean

    © 2024 by Carmen A. Cisnadean

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