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    The Diurnal Animal - Cradle of cellular rhythms to which I am but a slave...

    To celebrate the completion of my studies in Biological Basis of Behavior, I share with you my poetic composition of a poem which I wrote as I was contemplating over certain past dreams I had which left me very moved. My poem "The Diurnal Animal" is the result of my reflection of chapter thirteen "Why Do We Sleep and Dream" of An Introduction to Brain and Behavior, 6th edition. The challenge was to use as many of the chapter's vocabulary words in such a manner that is both creative and educational, a method which served also as a study guide. I had always been fascinated with the concept of dreams and it has been so wonderful to conclude my studies in Biological Basis of Behavior with one particular behavior I indulge in immensely - the writing of poetry. The realizations and lessons learned, throughout my most recent studies, have left me with a far greater appreciation of what I regard as the most complex organ we posses - the brain. I hope you enjoy the reading as much as I enjoyed the writing.

    The Diurnal Animal


    Carmen A. Cisnadean

    A diurnal animal Labeled had I been, Yet they hardly know me As the animal, seeking but rest within, Biorhythms’ cage whose trap door Opens wide-Zeitgeber cues Entrained by free-running rhythms Bowing to modern conditions Which always seem to push, But never pull. Via light pollution triggers Lashing day-night cycle’s battle When the night would seem most gentle Delicate circadian rhythms Tie time’s feet To a pace but biological With a chronotype-like vigor Whose clock handles free themselves To the opportunity most frail Known as personal decision.

    Protein synthesis as pendulum Cradle of cellular rhythms To which I am but a slave, While the suprachiasmatic nucleus Rules as master of all clocks Late at night releasing mercy With a melatonin blanket Stored inside its treasure chest Known to us as pineal gland Aiding us with rest, at last.

    The above painting "Dreaming of Pomegranates" means a whole lot to me, being that Felice Casorati was inspired by one of my all time favorite artists Gustav Klimt, as well as the other Renaissance masters which I adore. Thus, I felt inclined to share it with you.

    May We Never Stop Dreaming Beautiful Dreams

    Carmen A. Cisnadean

    Thank You For Reading

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