Some of you which have been following my writings, have learned that I have a passion for nutrition and the culinary arts. But many of you don't know why my passion for the culinary arts exists to begin with. Though my mother was indeed the one who inspired me to explore the culinary arts, it wasn't until much later in my life when I discovered the hidden nutritional "gems" found in the foods I chose. It was then when I became impassioned with creating foods that look good, taste good, and are good. Eating out at restaurants which focus more on health than others, was and is great to have as an option. But, I was tired of "good" food not tasting great and not looking that great either unless I'd spend a fortune on it. As an artist I've always enjoyed creativity and I found that the kitchen was a creative outlet for me. However, more important than that was learning that I could find a way to join creativity with the nutritional value in healthier foods. And, let me just say, it's been a delightful journey since. I chose to change my life for the better by combining consistent daily workouts either at home or at the gym with the creation of nutritionally rich foods in my own kitchen. You have no idea what I am willing to sacrifice for a great meal and that is because I know that, at the end of the day, what I put in my body is way more important than what I will ever wear on my body. It's also fascinating to learn what actually goes in food. Read on and you will see what I am talking about. Before I begin, take a look at the picture above, the one I called "Carmen's Mushroom Medley" because, for one, the dish consists of a variety of mushrooms. I am going to share with you some of the nutritional value found in this meal with the hope that the reading will lead you to some new or refreshing realization.

The preparation commenced with the chopping up of the mushrooms into bite size pieces of my liking. Some people prefer leaving mushrooms whole and, therefore, do not cut them. The mushrooms which I used were Yellow Oyster, Shiitake, and King Trumpet mushrooms. Many people eat mushrooms and, for most, mushrooms are a true delight to savor. But few know what is in the mushrooms themselves. For instance, Yellow Oyster mushrooms, aka Golden Oyster mushrooms, are very nutritious, as they contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, they provide significant amounts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc, essential minerals that contribute to various bodily functions. They also contain beta-glucans, a type of dietary fiber known for its immune-boosting properties. Shiitake mushrooms have one of the highest amounts of copper, a mineral that supports healthy blood vessels, bones, and immune support. And, King Trumpet mushrooms contain ergothioneine, an antioxidant found in the mushroom’s mycelium and fruit bodies that helps reduce damage from free radicals and oxidative stress. Overall, mushrooms also may help with weight control. Simply stated, I love them. Keep in mind that anything can have a side effect and not one person's body is the same as another's. However, these are some of the reasons why I love using mushrooms in the foods I prepare. In addition to mushrooms, I used yellow onion, green onion, peppers, and fresh garlic. Please do not cook your food under high flame unless you are grilling outside. Mushrooms are very tender and they are best cooked at low to medium fire. To preserve as much of the nutritional value as possible, low fire is probably best. Also, if you have a sensitive stomach, I don't recommend eating too many mushrooms either despite that I've never known anyone personally allergic to them. Listen to your own body and use common sense. As a side note, what I share here isn't to be perceived as medical advice but more so to share with you things I've learned about the foods whose flavor, taste, and texture I really enjoy. Knowledge is power, indeed.

The next "gem" I am going to talk about is farro, one of my absolute favorites and yes an ingredient which I used in "Carmen's Mushroom Medley" recipe. Bob's Red Mill Organic farro is precisely what I used but you can use any brand you choose. Farro is a great source of fiber, iron, and magnesium. It's very popular in Mediterranean meals and it's delicious. Farro is indeed fiber rich. And fiber is so very important as it potentially may lower the risks of diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer. It's also beneficial to many who suffer from irregular bowel movements. Daily recommendations on fibers are listed on the Mayo Clinic's website, link to the article is found in my references section below. From a study published by the National Library of Medicine, "Fortunately, our gut microflora is modifiable through lifestyle factors, primarily our diet. We can all, therefore, improve our future health prospects through improving our gut flora. One excellent way to achieve this is through optimizing our dietary fibre intake. [...] It is likely that in humans, dietary fibre also plays a protective role for the intestinal barrier and overall colonic health." Note, in case you didn't know, "fibre" is the British spelling of the same word as fiber. As mentioned in one of Dr. Axe's articles, farro keeps you satisfied for longer than refined grains which can help with overeating habits. In addition, "Farro is a quality niacin food, containing multiple B vitamins that are important for metabolic health and help convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins from the foods we eat into energy." Therefore, B vitamins are crucial to overall wellness. How many times a week have you felt sluggish, incapable of carrying out a project you've been wanting to, only to find yourself struggling because you simply are out of energy? Well, what you eat has a lot to do with it. Energy is vital to living a life in which we can more than fulfill life responsibilities like keeping up with the demands of our jobs but also to living a life in which we can find enjoyment. Therefore, what you eat will impact ultimately how you feel. Everyone who has met me knows I have a lot of energy and most people within my age group (early 40s) could not keep up because of a lack of energy. Yes, it's an incredible feeling to have energy because thanks to that energy I can get more out of life every day.

I know, I know... it's very cute. And the boy in the picture knows how sweet and valuable these baby goats are. In fact, if I had time and the adequate place for it, I probably would have a goat farm. And when it comes to cheese, goat cheese is my favorite choice. As you noticed in my first picture, my meal was ornated with mustard microgreens on the side and a little bit of goat cheese on top. Everyone knows that cheese has it's good and it's bad. Some of us are simply allergic and, therefore, we cannot indulge. Cheese is definitely something to be careful with. However, goat cheese in particular I love because of so many benefits and its lesser than other cheeses' fat content. In an article which I posted a link to below, Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, talked about cheese, as follows. "But I wouldn't choose full-fat milk or eat a lot of cheese," he says. Pizza, which is probably the biggest cheese vehicle in the American diet, is especially unhealthy because it's typically made with a refined white-flour crust and often topped with unhealthful meats, such as pepperoni or sausage, he notes. You're much better off enjoying a small piece of cheese as a snack with fruit or whole-grain crackers, or sprinkled on a salad." I agree, enjoying a tiny bit of cheese on occasion is best if accompanied by fruit, grains, or greens. If you are allergic to dairy, yes, staying off cheese is a must. But, if you are someone who does consume dairy, the problem isn't with eating cheese it's rather with what kind of cheese, how much you eat, how often, and whether you eat it by itself or pair it with something else. I truly believe that cheese should not be indulged in without something to pair it with. This is because everything you eat will hit your liver. The best way to avoid too many high in fat foods is by monitoring how much fat you consume daily.

As to mustard microgreens, in my personal opinion, they are one of Earth's finest gifts to humanity. They are incredibly rich in flavor and vitamins, especially vitamins A and C. I love them as a side salad as you saw on my plate in the first photo. And when it comes to making a choice between supplements and greens, I rather enjoy the vitamins straight from the source. Thus, I enjoy green leafy veggies because I know they are quite healthy. But, I get tired of eating salads all the time. So, when I don't eat salads, I still like to have a bit of vitamin rich greens on the side to accompany whatever I choose to eat. Mustard greens are packed with vitamin K as well, which is beneficial to heart health and osteoporosis. Furthermore, these powerful greens contain many antioxidants like beta carotene and several B vitamins. And I love that they taste like mustard because I do not like eating processed mustard from a container. I avoid processed foods as much as I possibly can, so these make a great substitute to mustard on a nice sandwich, for example. And, as for my eyes, they very likely love them too because they contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which can protect the eyes from harmful high-energy light waves like ultraviolet rays in sunlight. These are only some of the benefits of eating any greens, including microgreens.

If you made it this far, you now know why food for me isn't just art, but the very matrix of nutritional value which, not via ignorance but via education, can enhance and enrich human health. I would like to take a moment and thank all the farmers of our country and world, by addressing you all with a full and open heart. Your contributions to our humanity and way of life, via the resources which you provide, are invaluable, for you support not just the survival of our species but can directly influence the shift from unhealthy to healthier ways of life. I am in gratitude to all of you who strive to make this world a better place via provisions which are indispensable, the ones which bless human life with vitality. Thank you, to you who strive to provide healthier alternatives at an affordable price, so to ultimately contribute to the elimination of heart disease and cancer which plague our society. It is thanks to you why a person like myself, can enhance my experience of life as artist, culinary enthusiast, and lover of nutrition. I value and honor you with my diary posting. To those who have read, thank you for reading. I hope my writing inspires you to learn, eat better, ultimately, be better. References to supporting, supplemental information are provided below.
It's not just a meal; it's your life. Thus, food is never to be underestimated. It's the most powerful, basic need your very quality of life will depend on while you walk under the stars. Carmen A. Cisnadean
Author. Artist. Poetess.

References Mushroom Superfood OM: https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/benefits-of-king-trumpet-mushroom?srsltid=AfmBOopBMDKJGrqTJBktelVR08uT4SJQZnFDnzYD1m285D-LkUY_iY_j Medicine Net:
Mayo Clinic:
https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983 National Library of Medicine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7589116/
Dr. Axe:
https://draxe.com/nutrition/farro/ Harvard Health:
Liver Disease News: