Little did I know that today, as I was waiting for my physical therapy session to commence, a surprise email would arrive into my inbox from Highland Park Poetry organization. My eyes filled up with tears reading the following review of my book A Poetess' First Flight from Emma Alexandra Kowalenko. Words cannot express my gratitude for Highland Park Poetry's mission which honors talented poets, as well as for the words said about my works of poetry by Emma. Reading this review today touched my soul in significant ways and reminded me why I am here. It is an honor to be reviewed by a member of Illinois' Poetry Society as well as Poets and Patrons, generally speaking, but an even greater honor to be able to read the moving words expressed about my poetry in this review. This has been a beautiful and unexpected surprise which left a beautiful brushstroke on my soul I shall cherish for the rest of my living days.
Book review official link
The life of a poet(ess) is not an easy life. A poet lives the deepest sentiments he or she can excavate from his or her deepest inner chambers, mind and soul, for the sake of sharing realism with the world, digging out the truth, shedding light on the importance of perspective, sharing the really meaningful, encouraging honesty, promoting wellbeing, all meanwhile shedding the tears over the suffering in this world which comes from the darkness we cannot deny exists despite that we'd rather not see it or look at it. Poets are complex human beings with deep seated minds. Real and honest poets know they will be misunderstood, misrepresented, mislabeled, and misjudged by society not necessarily by the majority but that indeed this is reality. Yet, they are brave enough to keep the lantern of hope and enlightenment on, especially when darkness strikes its darkest shadows on life. Most poets that have written the most meaningful works did not have a happy or favorable childhood. Mine, personally, was one with many trials and tribulations, living in a former communist country, facing dad's alcoholism, knowing corruption and the despicable aftermath of corruption, to name a few things. Yet, I am really glad, people like Emma can remark so beautifully on the nature of my poetry because I believe this does say, at the bare minimum, that despite all of my early life's trials and tribulations I am the type of woman who will continue to keep the lantern of hope and enlightenment on for the rest of my living days, especially when darkness strikes its darkest shadows on life, and that my past's scars do not define me as a person but that my human heart does. I hope that someday my works will be read by civilizations to come and that they will make a difference in the lives of those who do read. Writing for the world is something which I was called to do and I love to do, during the limited free time that I have. I consider it a high privilege and responsibility. It's not an easy life but it is a beautiful one, a life worth living.
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. - Jane Goodall
I Didn't Choose This Life. I Chose What To Do With It and The Person I Will Be. - Carmen A. Cisnadean
A link is provided below, for those of you interested in ordering my book
A Poetess' First Flight
You're welcome to also visit my website's "Her Books" page
Thank You Kindly To Those Who Read
Carmen A. Cisnadean
Author, Artist, Poetess