Today, I am pleased to celebrate the completion of my Book Publisher certification. I am also honored to become a lifetime member of the IAPO organization. Much work awaits me, as I attempt to continue to write and publish for the world. Nonetheless, this event in my life opens the chapter of what I feel will be worthwhile. The journey has only begun, yet I cannot express how thrilled I am to explore possibilities as I embrace all the challenges ahead. I am also very excited about the third book which I am now writing for you, as it will reveal some of the most extraordinary lessons learned from my childhood growing up in a communist country all the way to the amazing events of my midlife and no it doesn't involve a "midlife crisis." My third book I am now writing will discuss many important events of my life, how I did it alone, all while apart from my family and closest to my heart friends. In my book I discuss how I breach through challenges and avoid fear. No, it's not easy to do anything alone in life. It can be terrifying actually. Yet, as I said it in one of my many poems "In Awe of Trains" published in my book of poetry A Poetess' First Flight,